Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ): The OPQ (SHL), available in 30 languages provides an indication of an individual’s preferred behavioural style at work including how they work with other people & cope with different job requirements. We provide organizations and leaders a snap shot of their bench strength. Based on the report we also design and conduct leadership and team interventions to help maximise individual potential and team effectiveness.
Myers-Biggs Type Indicator (MBTI): The MBTI has helped millions of people worldwide gain insights about themselves and how they interact with others. It provides a powerful framework for building better relationships, driving change and achieving excellence. The MBTI will help you appreciate your preferences in your interactions with others making you a more effective boss, team player, spouse or parent. It also encourages teams to appreciate diversity and work with it. We also design and conduct leadership and team interventions that help align teams and synergise potential.
QUEST: Based on Mc Kinsey’s 7S Framework, our QUEST questionnaire can be used to identify a company’s health and effectiveness. The questionnaire findings are further validated by other methods like Large Scale Interventions, structured interviews, work place shadowing, group discussions, etc.
Thomas Profiling: Dr Thomas Hendrickson developed William Moulton Marston’s DiSC theory to produce the Thomas Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) for the workplace. It provides an accurate insight into how people behave at work providing an initial profile detailing a person’s strengths and limitations, their communication style, their value to the business, what motivates them, their basic fears and how they behave under pressure. A solid tool, it can be used in varied ways including recruitment, performance development & talent management.